Friday, 26 December 2014

12 Days of Christmas

    Over the christmas holidays, we were given a short project in which we had to produce 12 images which had to be in the style of instagram. I particularly enjoyed this project because it allowed me to be very independent and flexible on what I wanted to show. Admittedly, it did say to incorporate some fashion items, however with my images, it is very hard to see people let alone to see what they're wearing. Despite this, I wanted to incorporate this with photoshop afterwards, but this would be for development work. I have already started some examples of this but for now, I want to keep very open minded with what I want to achieve at the end of this project.

   Furthermore, I wanted to create something that I found quirky and fun and in this case, it was strobe/laser lights whilst I was clubbing. I wanted to make all of my 12 photos of my nights out because it shows how different they all are and how they make these fascinating bold shapes. Not only this, but I also liked how only the lights were mostly focused, whereas the people within the photo are blacked out. Hence, there are many concept ideas that I could use to take this forward, whether that being that it is the colour pallet of black and a bright neon colour, how people's memories are blurred and much more. Again as regards to being fashion items, I could interoperate these into prints or perhaps use photoshop to enhance the people within the photo and maybe even layer other images on top of them, whether that being a person or a physical piece of clothing. 

   In addition to this, I think that the lights really inspire me in regards to textures and surfaces, hence I see this as being a big starting point experimenting with new and unusual textures which I have never used before e.g bubble wrap, flexible plastics, cardboard, tin foil and much more. Learning from the previous project, I need to focus a lot more in regards to illustrations and time-management, so I will try to focus more upon these elements whilst still keeping experimentation and research in consideration. 

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