Monday, 15 December 2014

Final Collection/ Evaluation


    These are 5 of the prints I decided to choose for my final collection for the project of '3 Words'. I am very happy with what I have achieved over these past 2 weeks and I don't think I could have created anything better than what I have now with the same time frame because it would have been much more rushed and not as rustic in which I have drawn all the prints 100%, it is just the colourings which have been adjusted. I am most thrilled about the colour considering that I never thought me out of all people would be working with any shade of pink whatsoever, but it really does convey a message in my opinion and I feel that it represents all the 3 words I chose. Even more so, I can really see these being potential prints on top of garment pieces, whether that being on a top, dress or practically anything else. In addition, I really did want the print to be pretty minimalist, apart from the prints that have the heart pattern layers over them, but even then, they remain partially faded to show the background beneath it.    

    Furthermore, in regards to everyone else who chose Jack the Ripper, I felt that I probably had the most diverse and unusual outcome in comparison to everyone else who tended to make it very gruesome or particularly obvious to who they were focusing on. When it came to exhibition time, I also wanted to keep my layout very minimalist. Hence, I simply blue-tacked my A2 samples to the wall and then scattered my prints on top of the table to clearly show my developments. Although, saying this, i really enjoyed seeing everyones adaptations of all the words, regardless of it being Jack the Ripper or not, other people used the same words as me with another character and the majority managed to pull it off very well.

   Nonetheless, I got a lot of very positive feedback during the group crit, particularly from my Tutors who said that it looked very professional and finished to a high standard due to the amount of research and experimentation I carried out during the project. One thing that I can definitely say is that I was rather lacking in Fashion Illustrations, but as I've said in previous posts, I wanted to focus more on the experimentation and practical work rather than 2-D flat work which was what I tended more to do in previous projects. Despite this, I did do some illustrations for this project, but I just was under pressure from the lack of time to continuing to make more, but the inspiration and ideas were definitely there to carry out, hence I need to work on balancing my focuses and time-management so that I can produce more equally diverse concepts and developments.

   Overall, this project has taught me to be open minded, even if you don't really know what you're doing and in this case it was choosing your own words for your own outcome. This was a rather risky process as I could see some of the other students instantly regretted choosing the words that they did. Again in consideration to this project, I wanted to focus more upon the girls innocence with the murder's that Jack the Ripper committed during the 1880's. Hence, using cute, girly colours really expressed this in my opinion, but the original drawing/painting I created was much more violent and sharp making it way more obvious than my current outcome. I have definitely enhanced my photoshop skills more than ever and they have really paid off in regards to the group crit feedback and overall happiness of what I have achieved.

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