Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Development on the Mannequin

    As a designer, it is crucial to exhaust all experimentation whether that being 2-D or 3-D. I got to use a diverse range in fabric from mesh to calico which enabled me to play with different shapes and textures, even combining the both added a nice texture to the mannequin. I wanted to incorporate the journey of my drawings and how they represent slashes and staining, hence I cut, shred and scrunched the fabric to get these textures. Moreover, I also had to relate these to my 3 words, Jack the Ripper, Bleed and Grotesque, thus my manipulation the fabric encouraged me to represent falling body parts of sections of the anatomy to mould the words and theme together, hence I could already get a sense that all my ideas were coming together and that the next step would be to start doing some illustrations. In addition to this, I sketched my mannequin work whilst it was on the stand to get a more realistic and 360 degree perspective of the shape, rather than drawing from a photograph which isn't in proportion and false in lighting. During the day, I managed to finish around 7/8 of these stand works, whilst doing other developments also. However, I would have liked to of created more, perhaps on a bigger scale also, but we were only allowed 15 minutes to not only construct, but draw the mannequin also, thus it was a very short time period to complete the task.

Development of shape on the mannequins, w. primary photographs and line drawings

      Overall, I felt happier that I had completed this process as I would have had to of done it at some
point during the project. I was particularly pleased how I managed to convey my 3 words across by using shape and manipulation on the stand. I have now gathered enough inspiration to start working on my illustrations, developing these processes further and coming to a more drawn conclusion of what I want for a final outcome. Our tutors keep telling us that this is a fun project, hence I want to try experiment with lots of different mediums to see what works and what doesn't, which will help me take consideration for what to do in future projects. I will definitely put these shapes and manipulations I have made into more consideration when it comes to illustrations, however I think that it will really help process my ideas further. Although, considering I don't have long left, I will continue to experiment with different processes whilst I can before the christmas break. 

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