Friday, 5 September 2014

Mood Board

      Today in class, we were all assigned an individual task to create our own A1 sized mood board to relate to either words, 'Structure' or 'Attachment'. I chose to focus on 'Structure' and found this task rather exciting because it began with our own photos/texts which we brought from home. Once we collected these images, we found multiple ways of scanning and photocopying them by using different medias and colours to exhaust the image until we were happy with the results. Moreover, when we had a rough idea of the layout, we were then given a group task to go around the room and change someone else's mood board in our own creative twist so that we can get different perspectives of unique, creative and individual layouts.

     Doing this task, I really understood how challenging an arrangement can be, because everyone has their own likes and dislikes and it was clear to me what I wanted to avoid and what I wanted myself to achieve by developing the images and experimenting multiple times. Despite the theme involving mono, I wanted to still use a range of colours so that I could get a more secure idea of what I want to use towards the end of my project, however I think it made the board look more interesting and appealing, especially when some of the images had a crinkled texture to them to add more definition and shape. If I could change anything, I would have liked to have used a broader range of images, plus experiment even further using the photocopier. Nonetheless, I was still pleased with what I accomplished today and it is a great start for me to enhance my mood board skills further.

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