Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Knitwear: Day 2

    Knitting was really not my ideal choice of practice, although doing samples and swatches now using a machine has completely changed my mind. I am really enjoying this workshop and it is apparent that it is not everyones thing, which I thought I would be categorised into. Nonetheless, we learnt all new techniques today such as volcano, bubble, stripes, orange peel, hems and fringing. My favourite technique today was the volcano. I really like how it added structure and depth to the knitwear, hence giving it texture and a more interesting approach. In all honesty, when the other group began with the knitwear workshop, it looked a lot more complex than how it seemed and now I have come to grips with it more, it is much easier to get the hang of and much easier to experiment with, which is why I'm looking forward to friday when we have to create 2 A4 knits consisting with 5 different techniques per swatch. Below are some examples I created today,

    I think that this day was a lot better than Monday considering I understand the machine better and I know how to work it properly now. Plus, it is more fun when you know how to manipulate or change the perspective of the sample to make it more unique and interesting to the eye. This workshop has been incredibly helpful towards this project in the sense that we have used a new material and media, which I have never done before. Also, we learnt how to create a structural pattern on the knit, whether that being the bubble or volcano to give the knit shape. On top of this, it also relates to attachment because we learnt how to add separate parts together e.g fringing, thus it relates very well to our project so far and may become useful towards the end of the project if I decide to use this process. Bid told us that the 'orange peel' technique is commonly used for scarfs to create a more 3-D affect, but he said we would go into more depth with that on friday, thus I am really excited and sad about our last day producing knitwear samples! If I could have changed anything we did today, it would most defiantly be the colour, but we weren't able to choose our colours. Regardless, they work the same and I was able to learn things I never thought I would have till at least BA and for that I'm very grateful that we did! 

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