Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Digital Printing: Photoshop (Day 2)

     Seeing as we had yesterday off, the work I produced then came to great help today. This was due to using the photoshop creations I made yesterday and used them further for some of todays designs. Nonetheless, I also produced more designs from my own photos which I already had on my mac. I preferred this day to monday because I felt that we were really digging deeper with this topic and developing work relating more to our theme. We began the day by using an image of a cloud and using it to create an all round edged photo which we could repeat without seeing the trap lines. This was rather difficult as we had to clone the clouds and move them around to be more realistic, however it was a really useful thing to know in future because Dan said he did the same process for Vivienne Westwood. Below are some examples,



     Once we completed this task, we got to be a bit more independent with our designs and I decided to use different aspects, although it became increasingly difficult to decide on a 'mono' colour as there were different tones and shades within the design. If I could have done anything more, it would have been to elaborate shapes more perhaps to give it a geometric flair, although I am still happy with my designs and perhaps it may be better without them, but it would have been good to experiment more. Below are my own designs from primary source images,

    I have really enjoyed todays workshop and it defiantly helped me to progress further with not only my skills, but my developmental ideas towards the end of this project and I would highly consider doing something which involves digital print because it adds so much more detail and precision to the garment itself and you would have no worry in regards to the limitation to the amount you have, hence this media process has been very exciting and extremely helpful for future photoshop use.  

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