Monday, 29 September 2014

Accessories Workshop: Day 1

    I had very mixed emotions towards this weeks workshop, however as a designer, I felt that I was a lot more confident in what I produced using a range of different materials and medias. My favourite piece I created was a neck piece with 2 cans, plus I thought it related really well to my idea of animal cruelty as a theme with the paperclips resembling chains etc. In addition, it was a great experience to push my boundaries and create something which I've never done before (well not to this extent) and I found it very unique and enjoyable. If I could have changed anything, it would have been to use a wider range of materials or create something more elaborate, but these had to be fairly simple samples so that we could complete the next task which was to photocopy the accessories and create a page in our sketchbook exhausting the copies to create something new.  I found today a real challenge for myself as I wanted to stand out from the rest, yet at the same time still relate to what I wanted to achieve as a final piece. Below are some examples of what I created:

     Overall, I think this day has been very successful as a first try and I am excited to see what we have in store on Wednesday. It would be very interesting to see whether I may create an accessory piece alongside my garment to make it more elaborate and detailed. 

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