Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Mood Board/Spider Diagram

(Page from own sketchbook)

     I decided to start off with a relatively blank mood board and I did it in a response to texture as oppose to only 'Dementia'. I really liked the idea of doing this as there is slight irony to the empty space and unknown meaning, which collaborates well with my theme focusing on memory loss and confusion. On top of this, I find the imagery to be inspiring as it is a constant reminder of empty space and disconnection, whether that relating to memory or the physical brain itself loosing its cells and nerves. I have a lot of research to carry out this week and I feel very confident about the work I will be producing over the next few weeks as I have my layout plan from my Final Major Project (FMP) brief. The next stage to my mood board was to create a spider diagram to create even more aspects to my knowledge and research which I will carry out during this project. The spider diagram contains multiple subsections such as, factual research, exhibitions to visit, artists, websites, designers and much more. I feel that this will be very useful as I can keep looking back at the diagram to help me progress onto further processes and experimentations. 

(Page from own sketchbook)

    I hope to carry out mannequin work within the next day or so to start working out of my book and in 3-D, although I want to try use this spider diagram to relate to the structures and shapes I want to create using paper and calico. Not only this, I hope to get a few drawings from the mannequins whilst I create them to get a more accurate perspective on the details and curves and see whether that will inspire me to do anything else. The next 2 weeks have been planned purely on research, hence I want to try get as much in as possible and this will be via surveys, exhibition visits, interviews, sketches and much more. If I could have done anything differently with the diagram/mood board would have been to possibly expand on what I had to show or say, although I want to keep fairly openminded for the beginning of this project to push my capabilities and challenge my skills as I want to do my best for this project. 

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