Tuesday, 10 February 2015


    Above is a mood board representing the Creative column for this project, hence it is referring to Gerhard Richter and Alice in Wonderland. I really liked the merge between these 2 concept ideas as I see them having a lot of great potential. Not only this, but they each give me an advantage into different materials and mediums that I could use for this project such as paints, plastics, drawings and much more. I want to make an adaptation from secondary photographs and layer them with Richter's work to make a scene of a corner shop to develop this idea forward. In terms of Alice in Wonderland I want to make a way in saying 'Eat me', 'Drink me' in some way, but I am not sure how I will do this yet. 

    Below is some further research I found on corner shops and it is a woman called Lucy Sparrow who recreated a whole corner shop which was made entirely from felt. Each individual hand-made felt item could be sold, similar to the initial point of a corner shop and there was over 2000 of these items made. This gave me inspiration into using different materials to replicate an item within a corner shop and items that specifically relate to my childhood and I would do this by making something relating to what I used to get after school as a treat.

    Overall, I have a really strong motivation for this project and I can't wait for it to develop further along into an accessory or garment piece. The next step will be to use photoshop and see what I can make out of something very simple. A good idea would be to go around various corner shops near my area and take photographs of them to get primary research for this project then use those to start up my developments and concepts. 

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