Thursday, 12 February 2015

Quick Sketches

    Pushing this project further, I thought that it would be a good idea to carry out some quick sketches of various parts of garments, below I have sleeves and collars. I feel that as a designer, it is crucial to have this stage of development earlier and furthermore throughout your book to show the changes you have made from different processes and experiments. These drawings are inspired by wrappers that I have collected and I have focused generally on the little details or overall shape of the wrapper to create these quick sketches. I really enjoy doing these as there is no right or wrong as to how they can be made, however it can become rather tedious when you are no longer inspired which is why I had multiple sweet wrappers in front of me whilst I was completing these. 

    I have drawn many more of these as these are just a couple examples, however I hope to create more after I complete stand work and other experiments to inspire me with not only shape but texture also. In addition to this, I will create illustrations using these design ideas to see how they may potentially look on a model. Despite this, these are only draft ideas which I will exhaust further to get a final line up of design ideas. 

     In regards to a final piece(s) I am still not sure as to whether I want to create a garment or accessory piece as I feel that I have a bit of longer time, yet I want to spend a lot of time on making something much more elaborate and unusual, whilst also relating to the words that I have chosen for this project of "Pick 'n' Mix". Thus, I will try make concept ideas for both potential end products. If I could have done anything different it would have been to of produced more of these sketches but perhaps even collage them via a photocopier to create different scales or more details to them, hence exhausting their original design further which could inspire me for a new process within the project. 
    Overall, I am happy that I have started to develop some design ideas as this will help me produce some 3-D stand work which will then reverse and further help me to create new ideas for quick sketches and design illustrations. I also need to carry out some designer research to see whether anything catches my eye, whether that being fabrication, materials, shape, texture, colourings and much more. 

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