Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Watercolour "Embroided" Print

    Above is a watercolour floral section I have produced, which was inspired by my trip to the V&A last week. I am rather happy with the outcome of this as I feel that once I have worked on it via Photoshop, it will begin to look more like an official embroided print. I am really disappointed that the technicians failed to fix the embroidery machine in time for me to create samples with. I thought that using watercolours would also be a nice medium as I noticed in the V&A, the samples they had were rather light and very opaque, hence I wanted to use something more subtle in the sense of concentration of colour as oppose to a sharpie or fine liner. I would like to say that I would have produced more of these watercolour paintings, however I feel very strongly about what I produced and I think that it will combine with my initial ideas also. 

    This is an example of some illustrations I produced in response to the print I produced. I also tried to make it relate to the first ever illustrations I made at the beginning of this project, to keep it original. However, on these illustrations, I have highlighted with dots where I would want the prints to highlight the garment and I have mostly put these on where the Ermine fur would be because that is probably the most expensive and delicate part of the traditional Lord Chancellor robe. The illustrations above were also done by watercolour and fine liner as I was still trying to make the garments more toned down in colour to represent the grace and elegance of a women in the 17th-18th Century and with the highlights of the prints, it will make it as feminine as I would want it. 

    These illustrations above were in response to the illustrations above. I have done a similar thing with collage by repeating the watercolour print on photoshop and tried to create garments by using this process. Again, because it was a whole print collage, it looked too feminine so I used tracing paper to give the collage shape and structure as if it was an official illustration. I feel that this process works well as I get to challenge myself by using 2 processes at the same time. Overall, I feel that I am very close to the end of this project in regards to final design concepts and ideas. I wish I had more time to push and exhaust this project further, but I feel happy with where I am in this project and I will begin to start constructing my design board. 

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