Throughout all my previous projects, I never really intended to pursue creating FSB illustrations as I always went straight to drawing up the final capsule collection(s). Nonetheless, I think this really enhances me as a designer to look upon more perspectives of my illustrations more as garments than drawings. Below are only a couple examples of this, but I am very please by how these managed to turn out. I used my letraset to colour these illustrations in and I think they made the illustrations look much more professional, despite this I have been thinking that it would be interesting to see if I can change my drawing style a bit more to get a more original feel to what they look like and how they might be positioned with my garment concepts and ideas.
Now being at the end of the project, I feel that this project has made me take my illustrations and quick sketches much more serious with this project, whether that being experimental or final ideas. Not only this, but the theme of cowboys which I chose from the early 1800's also connects back to me through my American Citizen dual heritage with Great Britain, hence I felt really inspired to go back to my original roots through my fathers generation as one of my great(s) grandfathers' was actually a sheriff himself in the States. I would have liked to have perhaps done more research on job roles or perhaps key individuals within this time era, however it is very hard to find any sort of American history within the UK, as I would have happily done this. Nonetheless, I tried to carry out as much research as possible with the few resources I had, yet I didn't want to revolve myself around all the stereotypical cowboy films where they had battles with the Native American's.
Furthermore, the whole initial point of this project was to make the heroic/masculine attire for womenswear and I think this worked rather well. There are cowgirl's out there who have similar flairs to their style, although there is something about their wear which makes them still look rather feminine and I wanted to enhance the strength and power of women within this era, which I felt inspired by from my previous project of 'Politics', however that was taking place within the United Kingdom. Overall, I will take all the research and inspiration I have used for this project to further enhance my general knowledge and skill for my next project, which will be 'Pick 'n' Mix' and I am looking very forward to starting that next week. Hopefully I can also enhance my illustrative skills for the next project and continue with the quick sketches to show the details for the next project whatever that may be…