Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Tate Modern/ Whitechapel Gallery

    Yesterday, our class was split in half to go and visit both the Tate and Whitechapel Gallery so that we could get inspiration and research done for our upcoming essay which we have to produce. I found this trip really helpful, considering our essay HAS to relate to either 2 rooms in the Tate or just 1 Tate room and then the Whitechapel Gallery exhibition. Nonetheless, I have come to the conclusion that I want to do my essay on 2 rooms within the Tate, rather than using the Whitechapel Gallery exhibition because I felt that it didn't really relate to my own personal theme and I had much more of a connection with the rooms in the Tate. Moreover, I also found it easy to compare and juxtapose both the rooms from which I have chosen, which are 1) Bill Viola: Tiny Deaths on Level 2, room 9 and 2) Louise Bourgeois: Works on Paper on Level 4. The first room I chose was relatively easy, not only was the work itself inspiring, but also the name of the general theme, which involves death and doing animal cruelty, it tends to involve death also. Whereas, I chose the other room because I liked her use of drawings and I found them to be very animal like. There were also a few pieces which looked like poacher equipment (traps etc.), hence I thought that it was very relatable. On top of this, I can juxtapose these rooms by the type of media they use, the overall feel, colouring, scale and much more, thus I should find this relatively easy to complete.

Own photo- Bill Viola: Tiny Deaths movie shot

                                            Own photo: Louise Bourgeois: Works on Paper

      Furthermore, the visit to the Whitechapel Gallery in the afternoon was worth the trip to an extent, but again I didn't have a true connection to it. Despite this, I managed to get an interview with one of the supervisors and I found this very useful. I also tried this at the Tate but they were USELESS! (Had no idea what they were talking about and wasn't hardly enthusiastic about anything) Richard Tuttle as a designer I don't think I truly understand his whole idea from his creations and I mostly agree with the things I heard my interviewee say due to the minimalistic and sporadic works that were within the exhibition. I also didn't enjoy the gallery as much due to none of us being able to take photographs, however I managed to be rather sneaky and get a couple without them noticing. Below is a typed up version of my interview. 

 Overall, this trip has helped me to develop more ideas for my final piece and also constructing this essay. Moreover, I feel that I may need to return to the Tate to gather further research but for now I am satisfied for what I have now and I look forward to see how this influences my ideas and my creations, whether that being for my project or essay.

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