Sunday, 19 October 2014

Final Piece Research: Jean Paul Gaultier A/W 2008 Haute Couture

   Over the course of the weekend, I have been looking left, right and centre for more research and information for creating this projects final piece, which I will create all of this week. I still want the cage elements with the garments and managed to come across Jean Paul Gaultier's A/W 2008 Haute Couture collection. I personally love this collection because it relates relatively well to what I want to do and also has both elements of Structure and Attachment. In particular, I like how he has added some accessories and also waist bands to represent cage aspects to the garments, hence I am lucky I have come across this old collection. In addition, it has now made me understand what fabrics I need to purchase for my garments, one being fur (preferably orange/red to match my mono theme). Nonetheless, this collection is exactly what I needed to inspire me further for this project and I hope to exceed my own expectations when it comes to designing these pieces. Although, researching this catwalk, I would hate to try re-create and copy the same garments so I will push myself to create something totally unique and original to show that it was all me and my works. quote,
       "It was a leather framework of saddle epaulets and harnesses strapped over a fur coat that set things off on the wrong foot. It was that, and then not letting the thing go until he had run through all the punning comparisons with cages and corsetry, right up to the bride's whalebone "veil."


    Furthermore, I can see this being a very successful project, plus if I focus this project on more of a textiles perspective, I will have to enhance or manipulate the fabric more than how I would with normal designs and show how I managed to achieve my pattern pieces or styles. Being on this course has made me realise how designers all co-operate in an overall style, whether that being prints, colours, scale and more. Thus, I will co-operate with Gaultier's style, but use it in my own individual way. Overall, I am very keen to get started on this project and present my final piece to my tutor at assessment.

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