Thursday, 14 May 2015

Final Capsule Collection/ Final Designs (Front, Side, Back)

(Sketchbook Illustrations produced by Myself)

     After reflecting back to my concept designs for my Final Major Project (FMP), I had to take a lot of thought and consideration as to what two garments I wanted to make for my final outcome and the ones I have chosen seem to be the right choice. For both pieces, they are both top heavy with knit, which is nice because it will have a light flow towards the bottom half of the garment, plus they will both match well together once the models have them on. From these designs, they have small, subtle hints of inspiration I have used from research and experimentation which I have done throughout this project. For example, my knit samples have been a key factor in terms of my designs and also the bottom half of my garments were mainly inspired by the 'Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty' exhibition at the V&A with all the floaty organzas and beautiful subtle details. I received great feedback from my capsule collection, which made it even harder to decide which ones I wanted to make, although from the general public, these designs were more favourable than the others. 

    When I was beginning to produce these designs, I constantly looked back to all the other illustrations I had done and not ones necessarily from my capsule collection, because I feel that there were some details missed from previous illustrations which I have captured here in a great way. In addition to this, I love the fact that these designs are hand drawn as they feel much more rustic and personal as oppose to digitally collaged or blocked by other surroundings, which can be rather disruptive. In addition, the majority of my other illustrations are drawn this way, so I wanted to keep a steady flow throughout my book, but nothing was to be repeated. If you can notice, my designs are front, side, back so that the viewers can get a full perspective upon my ideas for my theme of "Living with Dementia" and understand how I have come to this point via my design process. 

    I am pleased with how my designs have come out as I feel that they look much neater and more professional than other final designs I have done in previous projects. If I could have done anything differently, I would have liked to have perhaps looked at more angles to draw my garments from or mess around with scales of the illustrations to really focus on the small details. In addition to this, I would have liked to have layered my actual fabrics I am going to use on top of them, but I felt that this would make the page too chaotic and tacky, hence I wanted to keep it plain and simple. The minimalist look upon these designs can relate really well to my theme, such as the distance between the models could refer to the loss of a friendship/relationship, lost memories between each other or perhaps the isolation you feel once you know that you have been diagnosed with dementia and this was clearly shown throughout my surveys and interviews at the start of the project. 

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